
Stacey Marie Kerr, MD, has practiced family medicine, including obstetrics and surgery, in Sonoma County for thirty-six years. Dr. Kerr is an educator, a physician, a mother, a grandmother, and an adventurer. She has published essays in FringeWare Review, the Sun, and JAMA. For five years she wrote a medical column in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat, and she has written on the safe and appropriate use of cannabis as medicine for the blog Hawaiian Ethos.

Wild Heart
In her midfifties, Dr. Stacey Kerr was diagnosed with osteoporosis and told to play it safe. Instead, she bought her first Harley. Over the next fourteen years, Stacey and her two best friends decided to give the finger to aging gracefully, ultimately embarking on seven epic motorcycle tours throughout the western United States filled with drama, introspection, and pure joy.

The personalised and empowering experience of a home birth can also occur in a hospital setting. While you can't really have a home birth inside a hospital, you don't have to give up your power, even if you need interventions to guide you through a successful birth. This book presents 15 powerful testimonies about this kind of emotionally satisfying birth. The stories show that expectant mothers can minimize fear and put technology where it belongs.
"Funny, wise, heartfelt, healing, vibrant and innovative. Dr. Stacey Kerr just makes you wanna jump on a bike and ride. Her adventures in motorcycle riding, friendship, healing, being a parent, a daughter and ultimately a beloved to herself, all allow us to catch a glimpse of what it means to live a truly authentic, vibrant life."
"I laughed, I cried, I cheered... I could almost feel the wind, rain, and sunshine on my cheek as she rode through the many different environments... Stacey doesn't shy away from telling us about surprising mistakes making tough choices, defying the odds, and each time she offers a lesson that enlightens the reader."
"Stacey Kerr is my kind of woman (and writer). Sharp, dedicated enough to become a doctor and wild enough to saddle up a Harley Davidson and lean into the turns in her search for freedom. The book’s a delight, and made me wish I knew her personally. As a man who built and rode motorcycles until I was 78 I share her affection for them. I’m delighted to recommend this book, especially to women who may be pondering what their search for freedom and service might become.”
"If you're ready for a tour through the rolling hills and the valleys of 1960s and 70s culture, hitch a ride on the back of Dr. Stacey Kerr's motorcycle and for on a whirlwind tour of her life as a hippie mama, family doctor, medical cannabis practitioner and teacher. Full of fun, western landscapes and just enough redemption to keep you coming back for more."
"I read and rode along with Dr. Kerr in Wild Heart, and loved the ride! I loved that she named her motorcycles; the emotional connection to her wheels came through strong and clear, along with her beautiful writing – a winning combination that pulled me right along with her. I loved that she grew and gained confidence, realizing that she always had that power within but it just needed to come out. I could totally relate to “wanting fun without filters” and to “when I rode I forgot about being fragile - I felt strong and capable and brave.” No one starts out as an expert rider, and Dr. Kerr wasn’t afraid to admit she was scared. Stepping out of our comfort zones and doing things that are scary are where we gain the most personal growth and confidence. Stacey really did that and I felt like I was riding with her, cheering her on! I had so much fun reading this advance copy that I went back and read it twice! Such an inspiring read for anyone! I think books like this can make a difference, illustrating that anything is possible if you put your mind to it and open your heart. I can’t help but feel proud of her!"
Dr. Stacey Kerr’s Wild Heart is a call to adventure, friendship and self-forgiveness for women who, like me, have clocked a few miles on the old odometer, but are still looking for answers to life’s toughest questions. With echoes of Wild and Eat, Pray, Love; Wild Heart also follows an independent woman traveling on the road to enlightenment, but Kerr embraces her journey her own way, on a Harley accompanied by her two motorcycle-riding, soul-sisters. As an innate outsider herself, Kerr speaks directly to those of us who have always felt a little different, but still long for connection with others. As she sets out in search of finding the formula for true intimacy her keen observations and examinations of friendship between women expose her scientific-mind, her childlike-curiosity and her profound need to belong. Kerr’s life is riveting. Her reflections from living on a bohemian commune to becoming a distinguished doctor later in life made my inner-hippie ‘ohm’ with envy, and my outer feminist scream with delight! Kerr bravely bares her soul throughout her memoir, sharing gut-wrenching moments of personal, professional and parental failure; but as the pages turn she lifts your spirit as you watch her rise from the dust her bike leaves behind. Wild Heart is a true testament to the resilience of the human spirit. While others will try to tame us, Kerr urges us to stay wild, and embrace life in all of its bittersweet complexities. However old you are, however bumpy the road gets, Kerr reminds us to keep on riding and to always “make it the best you can.”
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